Dawes Arcade

Your local spot for the latest arcade hits!

Luke is Missing

Date: October 5, 1985

Hey everyone,

I know a lot of you have been asking about Luke after what went down the other night at the arcade. Trust me, I’m just as shaken up as you are. It all happened so fast—Luke was fine, then he was playing that new game, AZRUM, and suddenly, he was on the ground. We got him to the hospital, and I’ve been checking in ever since. This morning, I went to visit him, thinking I'd just sit with him for a while, maybe see if there was any change.

But here’s the thing—when I got to the hospital, Luke was gone.

I don’t mean they moved him to another room or something. I mean gone. His bed was empty, and nobody there could tell me where he went. I asked every nurse, every doctor, even the guy at the front desk. It was like Luke just... vanished. They all swore up and down that someone must have moved him, but nobody knew where. How does that even happen? A guy in critical condition can’t just disappear into thin air, right?

I’ve been asking around all morning, calling people, looking for anything that might explain what’s going on, but so far, I’ve got nothing. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but this whole thing feels off. Real off.

I’m going to keep looking, keep asking around, but I wanted to get this message out there. If anyone knows anything, or if you’ve seen or heard from Luke, please reach out. We need to find him.

Please, help us bring Luke home.

Luke if you can read this, please /comehomesoon

Luke's Blog

Pre-Launch Thoughts on AZRUM

Date: October 3, 1985

I can’t believe we’re just hours away from launching AZRUM here at the arcade. Midnight is approaching fast, and I’ve got to be honest—I’m having a hard time keeping myself away from that cabinet. There’s just something about it. It’s almost like it has its own gravitational pull, or something.

I’ve been playing games my whole life, but this one feels different. There’s an energy to it that I haven’t felt in a long time, something new and unpredictable. I’ve heard some whispers about how the game was developed, and maybe it’s just a coincidence, but I think a few old friends of mine from my time at Gray Software might have had a hand in this project. I haven’t spoken to them in years, but it wouldn’t shock me if they’ve cooked up something special.

As soon as the clock strikes midnight, I’ll be the first one to give this thing a go. I’ve played a lot of games in my day, but this one... this one has me more excited than I’ve been in a long time. If you’re as curious as I am, you’ll want to be here when the doors open tonight.

See you at around midnight!
